Welcome To The Confessional

Hi l'm Garry,

Lets have fun or it can be serious, it just depends on you and as long no one is offended. Lets begin l'm a person of many jobs in my life. l've dealt with people in all walks of life.

Ok lets start we had some All Black supporters from New Zealand who came out here for the football . In this job as taxi driver, l was sent to this caravan park and picked up these 4 large kiwi supporters. Who wanted to go in to town for some fun an asked me if l new some where they could get a bit or where the local brothel was.

Them not knowing the kind cabbie l am, l showed them the two brothels in town an then said to them l know of a hotel (pub) where you can pick up an there reply was are you sure. l said l'm a cabbie if you cannot pick up at this place you will not get one any where besides the brothel. They said take us there an of course l did, they were happy an tipped me an waved good bye to me. Moral of story l had the last laugh, the hotel l dropped them at was having a gay night all welcome..ha ha

If you have a confessions funny or otherwise I'd love to hear them... Leave a comment.