Simple trick to get rid of Ants with Moong Dal

moong dal    Notes:    These are mung beans that have been skinned and split, so that they're flat,  yellow, and quick-cooking.  They're relatively easy to digest.   Substitutes:  split peas

You can buy in  your supermarket in a sealed packet in the Lentil isle.At a cost of less than $1.00 worth trying

What l do is spread a handful straight out of packet around the ants on the ground.they take it down to there nest it and they swell up and BOOM  gone. No more  queen ant or worker ants, reason is ants bodies are mainly  full of water and the Moong Dal expands in them.Now we have no ants or just few outside since.
Would Love to know if ..".Moong Dal" on....... "Fire Ants."....  too.As we do not have them here.