When a Cabbie Should Of Stayed In Bed

Ah yes at the start of shift, coffee to wake up and then go looking for that first fare of the night.

Well it starts off well by picking up 3 young ladies with luggage and taking them to a coastal motel they booked for week end. A nice $35.00 fare to start with but it all changes when they say they are from the bush an here for the big band concert and we are just putting luggage in motel then can you take us there.

That when l laugh at them and say its not near you at all and its going to cost at least $100.00 all up to get there,they talk to each other and agree for me to take them there but we have to get changed first.

Ok l say, we get to motel and l pull up out front of there room an say ok girls l will stop meter for you's along as you do not take long. They say ok, l'm thinking this too good a fare to miss out on so stopping meter for 5 minutes would not hurt. So the girls go in an get changed then jump back in taxi laughing and singing to music on radio as we make our way to the concert.

They ask me if they looked ok, with a smile on my face l say of course you all do but a word of warning next time l said when you get changed close the blinds first. There mouths dropped then they burst out laughing. Well l dropped them off they waved good bye to me and l was happy $100.00 in the pocket and a free show..

Then 3hrs later my next job, the hair stands up on back of neck as l drive these two big chaps to a suburb you no is no good. Thinking on the way could this be that fare every cabbie dreads ........

Yep it is. As your front passenger puts your head into steering wheel as you turn corner in a dark street an the chap in back comes over your shoulder an puts a knife to throat even without asking for the money first. (no manners hehe)

While you struggle and think is this it, ln those split seconds they are gone with money an keys in a get a way car waiting.You hit alarm button but because you are in a poor reception area no one answers for at least ten minute but to you it feels like hours till police turn up .Who then get the dog squad which is another hour away, by then they have got away.

You do the normal reports then go home to wife or partner and have a beer .

Some say just another day in a cabbies life This happened to me